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30th Nov 2022
Manish Katyan

COVID-19 and Canada Schools: What they are saying

Presidents and the Vice Chancellors of Canada schools share messages with students asking them to stay strong and not lose hope to fight this global crisis

The Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, announced comprehensive support of nearly $9 billion for post-secondary students and recent graduates. This plan will help provide financial support to students, it will help them continue their studies in the fall, and help many get the experience they need to start their careers. These measures include launching:

The proposed Canada Emergency Student Benefit, would provide support to students and new graduates who are not eligible for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit. This benefit would provide $1,250 per month for eligible students or $1,750 per month for eligible students with dependents or disabilities. The benefit would be available from May to August 2020. The new Canada Student Service Grant, which will help students gain valuable work experience and skills while they help their communities during the COVID‑19 pandemic. For students who choose to do national service and serve their communities, the new Canada Student Service Grant will provide up to $5,000 for their education in the fall. At present, international students are limited to working a maximum of 20 hours per work while classes are in session. This rule will be waived to enable international students already in Canada to contribute to essential services during the COVID-19 outbreak such as health care, critical infrastructure, the food supply or other critical goods.

Learn about how can you continue to work on your plans to study overseas, which schools are open and what alternate arrangements schools are doing for Fall 2020 intake.

University of Alberta
  • In September 2020, the majority of our classes will be delivered remotely and online. However, where possible, the university is committed to provide small group in-person learning and experiential learning such as labs and clinical instruction, especially in those programs where in-person instruction is essential.
  • Subject to Chief Medical Officer directives residences will be available for incoming students in the Fall 2020 and Winter 2021.
  • The University is introducing a new tuition model for international students who enroll in new programs starting in Fall 2020. As part of this new tuition model for international students, you will be provided with a guaranteed tuition rate at the time of admission.
McGill University
  • The university is working to create virtual communities and experiences to ensure a dynamic student experience, even in a virtual environment. The Fall 2020 semester will begin as scheduled and will proceed remotely. Will look at the possibility of some on-campus activities
  • Deans will work with the Administration in the coming weeks to determine which activities might continue in-person
  • Rather than going for tuition fees waiver, the university is increasing financial aid for students in need.
  • Offer Acceptance deadlines vary by department for graduate studies, the departments are flexible and one can request an extension.
  • If in a thesis program, you should also discuss this option with your supervisor. University will maintain its full commitment to graduate student funding.
  • No tuition fee reduction as the university is confident to offer the same quality of instruction remotely, and the value of the McGill degree remains despite this temporary interruption.
  • Deferral is a possibility but one does not have to make that decision now.
University of Guelph
  • At this time, there is no impact to the Fall 2020 semester. The Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (OGPS) is processing applications for Fall 2020 as well as recommendations for offers of admission.
  • The deadline to meet your conditions for fall 2020 remains the first day of class, which is September 10, 2020.
  • Planning for a “hybrid” fall semester, which means that some courses and activities will be taught and hosted in-person and some will be offered remotely. This approach will combine high-quality teaching and research with our renowned student living and learning experience.
  • No refunds are issued for courses dropped after February 14, 2020 for the Winter 2020 semester. The Summer 2020 payment deadline date has been extended by two weeks to May 29, 2020 to allow students time to explore all available financial supports before payment is due.
  • Different types of financial resources and scholarships available for the 2020 program, no waiver in tuition fees. Apart from the Canada Summer jobs Program, Canada Student Service Grant, and Fall scholarships International students may be eligible to apply for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB).
University of Saskatchewan
  • The spring term (already underway) and the upcoming summer term are both being delivered remotely,
  • Planning for a primarily remote approach to program delivery this fall.
  • The health and safety of the campus community has been the primary focus throughout this pandemic, and will continue to be top priority as they plan for a limited reopening of campuses in the fall.
  • Due to the impacts of COVID-19 on students, USask is implementing a tuition freeze for 2020/21 for a majority of its program
  • The method of program delivery—whether in-class, remote, or a blend of both—does not change the high quality and exceptional value of a USask degree.
  • Students may be eligible to apply for financial assistance, including the Canada Emergency Student Benefit (CESB), the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) and Government of Saskatchewan support. USask crisis aid loans may be available to those who are not eligible for the CESB.
University of Windsor
  • Courses will begin in September normally. Depending on how the COVID-19 situation evolves in the coming weeks, it is possible that classes may be delivered fully or partially online or through other non face-to-face methods of instruction.
  • Applications are now being considered for Winter 2021. Decisions about the Winter 2021 semester will be made over the Fall semester, including determinations about how the second half of full-year courses will be offered.
  • As students would able to conclude their course work, take exams and receive grades for the courses in which they were enrolled, regardless of the mode of delivery (in-person or other), so tuition fees is not subject to refund
  • Refunds, partial refunds or rebates for some services, such as residence, meal plans, and parking have been established.A Student Relief Support Fund has been established to support students who are facing urgent financial hardship as a result of the COVID-19 crisis.
University of Manitoba
  • The university will be offering Fall Term 2020 primarily remotely, with the exception of a very small number of courses that require in-person delivery. Fall term classes are supposed to begin on September 9:
  • Students should consult with an academic advisor from home their faculty/college/school if they have questions about course selections.
  • One can still apply for Fall 2020, the University will accept applications until August 1, 2020. Application deadlines for Advanced Entry programs vary.
  • The 2019/2020 Fall/Winter Session Emergency Loan application is now available.
President and Vice Chancellor Dr. Deep Saini, Dalhousie University

These are tough and challenging times, but, I would rather be here than anywhere else right now. Our researchers are working day and night, to find a cure for Covid 19 , develop a vaccine or create devices to fight against the virus. Our faculty and staff have worked at an amazing speed to create online and distance education platform for all our courses.

President Dr. Robert Gordon, University of Windsor

We are living through unprecedented times in our history, which will be studied by medical and public health researchers, economists and social scientists for generations. We contribute to on the ground efforts immediate needs for personal protective equipment. Our Windsor chemists have recently joined with Wolfhead Distillery to formulate much needed hand sanitiser. Wolfhead then donates products to police officers, local nurses and other volunteers.

President and Vice Chancellor Santa Ono, University of British Columbia

Many UBC researchers are working on the development, testing and implementation of measures to deal with the Covid 19 outbreak. They are also working on how to rapidly detect, manage and reduce transmission. Financial help is help to domestic and international students in need. New emergency financial assistance is announced by province, we also launched The Student Emergency Appeal to provide funds for those who require temporary financial relief.

President Peter Stoicheff, University of Saskatchewan

We have been living through an extraordinary time, apart, but together. We had to make fundamental changes to everything we do, to keep us safe and also contribute to the safety of state and province. Our researchers are working on a vaccine and potential medication, faculty and students are working on modelling pandemic spread and also helping to reduce anxiety of individuals.

President and Vice-Chancellor Jacques Frémont, University of Ottawa

Our response to the COVID-19 pandemic have always had two goals: First to do everything possible to protect your health and safety and that of your community. And second to ensure that you can successfully complete the academic semester. For all international students still on campus: make sure you visit the online international student hub, it has been set up to respond to your needs and questions.

President Rhonda L. Lenton, York University

Our first priority has always been to put the health and well being of our community first. There may be more tasks that we have to take on, potentially through summer and fall but I am confident that we will continue to work as we do, solve problems together and come through this.

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