- GMAT Online Exam
Format - The GMAT Online Exam allows test-takers to take the exam remotely from their own homes using their personal computers.
Availability - The online format was introduced in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and is currently available in many countries.
Sections - The online exam consists of the same sections as the in-center exam: Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA), Integrated Reasoning (IR), Quantitative Reasoning (Quant), and Verbal Reasoning (Verbal).
Test Delivery - The online exam is delivered through GMAT Online Exam software, which provides a similar test-taking experience to the in-center exam.
Test Duration - The total duration of the online exam is approximately 3 hours and 30 minutes, including optional breaks.
Score Validity - The scores obtained from the GMAT Online Exam are valid and accepted by business schools for admission purposes.
- GMAT In-Center Exam
Format - The GMAT In-Center Exam is conducted at secure testing centers designated by GMAC (Graduate Management Admission Council), which administers the GMAT.
Availability - In-center exams were the traditional format of the GMAT and are still available in many locations worldwide.
Sections - The in-center exam includes the same sections as the online exam: AWA, IR, Quant, and Verbal.
Test Delivery - The in-center exam is administered on-site at a testing center using standardized test procedures and equipment.
Test Duration - The total duration of the in-center exam is approximately 3 hours and 30 minutes, including optional breaks.
Score Validity - The scores obtained from the GMAT In-Center Exam are also valid and accepted by business schools for admission purposes.