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30th Nov 2022
Manish Katyan

COVID-19 and UK Schools: What they are saying

Presidents and the Vice Chancellors of UK schools share messages with students asking them to stay strong and not lose hope to fight this global crisis

The global pandemic caused by Covid-19 has created a a sense of dilemma in students minds pertaining to their plans of admissions abroad. Here goes a list of updates from UK universities to help you out!

The University of Manchester
  • Accepting applications for September 2020 entry
  • Will refund the £1,000 tuition fee deposit/acceptance deposit to any student who is unable to take up their place because of ongoing disruption associated with coronavirus.
  • For Sept 2020, the university will follow UK government advice and either begin the new semester wholly online, or deliver some activity on campus but provide our lectures and some other aspects of learning online.
  • Have put back the start of the new term for postgraduate taught students to early October to allow more time for students to make all the necessary arrangements
  • Students can apply to the University without an English language test. One may be considered for a conditional offer where you have English language (and/or academic qualification) conditions outstanding.
University of Leeds
  • The university is considering a number of options, including flexibility with arrival dates, and potential for some online teaching in the first semester or a later start to the academic year on campus for Sept 2020.
  • Not started to issue CASs yet this year and will reconsider our position in late May.
  • We’ll refund your deposit if you are unable to take up your place for reasons relating to the corona virus (Covid-19) outbreak.
  • Is planing the gradual re-opening of the campus and the resumption of on-campus activities and services as and when the current ‘corona virus lock-down’ is eased
  • Will refund your deposit if you are unable to take up your place for reasons relating to the corona virus (Covid-19) outbreak.
Queen Mary University
  • The university is preparing to welcome you to our campuses in September 2020. However, if you’re unable to take your place this year, you may be able to defer your entry until September 2021.
  • University has decided to extend the deadline for paying the fee deposit until Monday 1 June 2020.
  • Applicants who hold a conditional offer for a postgraduate programme in the Schools of Business and Management, Economics and Finance, Electronic Engineering and Computer Science or the Institute of Dentistry are required to pay a tuition fee deposit in order to secure their place.
  • Currently reviewing our refund policy regarding tuition fee deposits to provide more flexibility in the current circumstances where applicants will be affected by travel and immigration issues, changes to the advertised programme of study and difficulties in meeting the conditions of entry due to cancellation of exams and closure of universities.
  • For 2020 entry only, will accept the Duolingo English Test for entry onto our Pre Sessional English courses and distance learning postgraduate degree programmes.
University of Liverpool
  • The university is teaching online and all university operations have transitioned online.
  • For the majority of programmes the University will allow a one year deferral for offers and applications. For offer holders affected by disruption to travel plans which results in them being unable to register for study at the University in September, a full refund of the £1,000 will be issued.
  • For students wishing to apply for 2020, The University will apply a degree of flexibility to international applicants and offer holders who expect that they will experience delays in commencing their studies in September due to issues surrounding the coronavirus.
  • Having all the alternative measures put in place to replace face-to-face teaching, the university does not think compensation or a refund of tuition fees is necessary.
University of Cardiff

The University has suspended face-to-face teaching and has moved to delivering lectures and classes remotely. For many of the programmes, the university can make conditional offers without need for transcripts or documentation in the first instance. All courses starting in September are planned to go ahead as normal, and students are expected to arrive on time. The University is monitoring the situation closely and we are reviewing steps which may need to be taken to support our applicants. If a student would like to defer offer to 2021, one will be able to do so The University is working extremely hard to address the wide range of issues that students are facing, they have no plans to reduce, or issue refunds, for tuition fees.

University of Sheffield
  • With social distancing measures in place for several months, the university is considering a range of options for how they can best deliver our courses in the Autumn. This includes face-to-face teaching in small groups, where social distancing will still be maintained, supported by digital delivery. hoping to begin the 2020-21 academic year as usual in September.
  • Still hoping to begin the 2020-21 academic year as usual, with face-to-face teaching beginning in September.The university will keep the students updated in their pre arrival communications.
  • The university is accepting applications for September 2020 entry.
  • Many of our courses would be able to consider deferring entry until 2021. Postgraduate applicants can request consideration via their online application.
  • University will refund the deposits of applicants who are unable to take up their place for reasons relating to the coronavirus outbreak.

The vice chancellors and presidents of popular universities in the UK have tried to reach out to current and prospective students along with the committee members, assuring them to stay safe, not to panic and fight this crisis together.

They have all advocated for social distancing and extended their helping hands to people in need. Here are some updates from presidents and vice chancellors of UK universities in April, 2020.

President and Vice-Chancellor Nancy Rothwell, University of Manchester

We have decided to suspend face to face teaching and close all non essential services. We are working closely with the local and national authorities and taking advice from them regularly. The most important thing now is we all support and help each other.

Vice Chancellor Peter Gregson, Cranfield university

We made a commitment to all of you when you choose this university and that commitment remains strong as it always has been. The well being of our students, staff, families and friends is at the forefront of all our minds. Without doubt, there might be difficult times ahead, but the Cranfield community is a very special one, so let’s continue to take care of each other.

Principal Peter Mathieson, University of Edinburgh

We recognise that staff and students are under great strain so we are trying to be understanding about exams and student education. Everybody here has adapted magnificently to the current situation, showing great courage, conviction, passion and innovation. We have been thinking about digital education which is accelerated by this pandemic.

Vice Chancellor Nishan Canagarajah, University of Leicester

My absolute priority is the health, wellbeing and safety of the university community, the staff student and our partners. These are difficult times and these times will test us, we as a university should continue to show kindness and compassion. As citizens of change we support each other and the wider community.

President Colin Bailey, Queen Mary University

All our education is now online. Assessments will be online this year and will follow a variety of formats. The staff and liaison committees are very critical to ensure that we maintain quality education and hold true to our vision. We will do everything we can to help you and remember that you are not alone in this, we are there to help you.

President and Vice Chancellor Colin Riordan, Cardiff University

You will be aware that teaching and learning are now happening in different ways. Colleagues in Academic School are working hard to make sure you learn remotely. We are intending to continue with assessments but face to face examination in physical location is not possible. I feel every one of you having to deal with this uncertainty. We will continue to work together to support you.

Greg Fell, Director of Public Health, University of Sheffield

There is no doubt that we can’t stop this epidemic, but what we are doing now is preparing so that we can mitigate the worst impacts. This is a public health crisis, the worst one I think and I hope I will ever have to see. What Sheffield, the entire Council and well beyond is doing is amazing and is mobilised, en masse really very quickly. We won’t get everything right but what Sheffield is doing will undoubtedly save lives and mitigate the worst impacts.

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