The UK is ranked the position of 3rd among 45 European countries as the most liberal country. Although, UK retained its position in the ranks of the mostly free country, the economy of the United Kingdom has worsened a little ground this year due to the COVID pandemic. Even so there will be ample opportunities in various fields. The UK is predominantly one of the world's largest producing countries, especially in fields such as civil, pharmaceutical industries and military aerospace.
Looking upon the agricultural sector, it reports a GDP of about 0.6 %, which implies that the country meets 60 % of the food demand. And also the United Kingdom has substantial mineral resources as well.
UK was ranked as the 10th largest producer of oil in the world with enormous natural gas reserves, now its production is lowering rapidly. Even so, groups such as British Petroleum (BP) and Shell resume to be among the world’s head in the petroleum industry.
However, the industrial sector, which reports a GDP of about 17.4 % and engages 18% of the working population, is not very competitive, due to the low productivity. Some of the other major sectors that have an ample of opportunities are transport equipment, machine tools, and chemicals.
2020 was a hard phase for the UK’s secondary sector and the ongoing pandemic has affected almost all the fields. The greatest post pandemic challenge is to normalize the economic activities and get everything on the right track.