I’m sure most of you have seen the movie 3 idiots, this movie shows us that just being the topper is not all it takes to be successful in this world. So, would you rather be the topper of your class like Chatur, or would you rather be like the innovative Rancho who ends up being the hero of the movie?
The general notion is that, the one who comes first in class, is the most likely to be successful in the real world.
Now, while there are definitely instances where this is the case, it’s not always so. The knowledge that you gain in your core classes is just the tip of the iceberg of your MBA experience.
The knowing – doing gap and how well that gap is bridged will tell you how ready you are for success in the real world. The opportunity to put the skills you develop during the programme to work in the context of a real-world consulting project offers a valuable dimension to the MBA.
For example, the Cambridge University offers consultancy projects. It offers their students a chance to work as a consultant on a challenging management issue, and the opportunity to apply their knowledge in the real world. Their consultancy projects were such a success that leading organisations now collaborate with them, with new partnerships being developed often.
The Said Business School hosts ‘Strategic Consulting Projects’ during July and August each year. MBA students undertake an eight week consultancy project in partnership with sponsoring organisations. Students are to work in teams of four which are generally globally mobile and multi-lingual allowing them to succeed effectively in any international environment. The many projects undertaken by these teams involve focusing on future strategic ploys to better the organisation or even focus on particular divisions. While this helps in building a much needed skill set, it also gives employers a chance to assess the students.
In the London Business School, they encourage their students to immerse themselves in volunteer projects within the local community. Members of the MBA 2012 class recently led a CV writing workshop for 16-19 year olds at a London college in collaboration with Career Academies UK, while their classmates developed a community allotment in Kings Cross through the London Wildlife Trust. While studying on the MBA programme, Patrick Anderson (MBA2005) helped to develop a youth community centre in London.
Applying what you study to real-life contexts is a key aspect of learning in the MBA. By learning in the context of the real business world, the programme equips you to meet the day-to-day challenges of becoming an effective global leader.