12th Nov 2022
Afia Azmi

Gap Year and Its Availability

As superstitious as a gap year was believed in the past, today, the academic platform has shifted in favor of students taking gap years. This year energizes students’ minds and gives them fresh, renewed opportunities to truly take a path that will make them happy in the long term.

What is a Gap Year?

A gap year is a 1-year sabbatical wherein students reserve this time by working on themselves and other career prospects. They earn and learn. They take the time to research and study which field would best suit them and how they can utilize this time to apply and gain successful admission the following year into their chosen university. Some students take up gap year programs which aid them in acquiring some fieldwork experience and enhance the abilities that make them singled out in a pile of applications.

The blog Year Out Group states that nearly 60% of students said that a gap year helped them decide what subject to study at university. Business Insider noted that Harvard had seen a 33% increase in students taking gap years when Malia Obama took a gap year before joining this prestigious university.

This is the period when students are encouraged to dabble in almost every field they want to and becomes wiser, and with their options of studying further narrowed down to the most beneficial choices. The American Gap Association reports that 98% of students responded to a 2015 survey that the time off school helped them develop as a person, and 97% said taking a gap year "increased their maturity."

How to study abroad during a gap year?

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Many students wish to pursue their gap year programs abroad. This is an excellent choice because you can touch base with a new, foreign culture at your own pace. When you are fully ready for your university life, you can bet you will be oozing confidence from the very first day.

Some of the best gap year programs include the following:

The Oxford Gap Year program facilitates high school graduates who desire an overseas study semester or year, developing subject knowledge and academic skills. Students must enroll for one or two semesters and select four seminar subjects and one tutorial subject.

International Citizen Service or ICS is an overseas volunteering program for students aged between 18-25 years funded by the UK Government. This is a development program and collaboration between the UK and developing countries to change some of the poorest communities in Africa and Asia.

The EF Gap Year program offers 3 different gap year programs for students aged between 18-22 years. The Gap Year Program is customizable for 25 weeks, where students will experience three destinations in depth through language immersion, service learning and an internship abroad. Choosing the Gap Semester Programs of 12 weeks, you will find yourself spending your gap semester living in different parts of the world, experiencing 2 destinations in-depth and maybe even an enriching internship. The Short-Term Programs, which last between 3-6 weeks, present an opportunity to live abroad, learn language skills and develop personally and academically.

The Youth For Understanding (YFU) program offered in Germany will place you in the comfort of a host family where you will be able to develop your German language through an intensive course and an opportunity to earn an academic year or semester scholarship.

The Europe Tour with Gapforce satiates any wanderlust aesthetics trending today. Because you get to travel to 11 different European cities in 28 days, their Gap Year programs cover the fields of Adventure Travel, Mariner Conservation, Outdoor Courses, Summer Programs, and Wildlife Conservations.

Apart from these, Gap Year programs are offered by almost every country in the world in almost all fields you may want to choose for your future. Other popular gap year programs abroad include Sea|mester Study Abroad at Sea, Warriors Academy Gap Year Program in South Africa, Irish Gap Year Adventure and Leadership Program, The High Mountain Institute (HMI) Adventure, Conservation & Leadership in Wild Places program in the US, etc.

Gap Year Acceptance Rate


The acceptance rate for gap year programs abroad varies enormously. Some universities in the UK accept even 10-12 years of gap when choosing a Master’s degree. Other times, a two-year-long gap is a maximum limit accepted by abroad universities.

For example, Princeton University’s Bridge Year Program offers a gap year for college students who are accepted to the Bridge Year Program to spend 9 months before enrolling in university-sponsored service at international locations in Bolivia, China, India, Indonesia, and Senegal.

Their general acceptance rate is different from when you apply after a gap year program. From Ivy League to other prestigious universities, the prospect of students applying with relevant gap year experiences is more often admitted into the university of their choice.

While it may be true that the idea of coming back to study might feel deterring and maybe even considered as a disadvantage of Gap Year programs, nevertheless, you will be renewed with a matured growth and broader ability of understanding.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1) Can I study abroad with a gap year?

Many students wish to pursue their gap year programs abroad. This is an excellent choice because you can touch base with a new, foreign culture at your own pace. When you are fully ready for your university life, you can bet you will be oozing confidence from the very first day.

Q.2) Which country accepts the study gap?

Almost all countries worldwide accept study gaps, such as the UK, the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, China, Japan, etc. However, you must show that your gap year was worth the break and that you will bring something unique to your chosen institution.

Q.3) Is gap year accepted in the USA?

Of course. A one-year gap or even 2 years gap is accepted in the USA. Dartmouth College, University, New York University, Portland State University, and other prestigious colleges look forward to seeing applicants who defy the mainstream educational conventions and vocations of learning.

Q.4) How much study gap is acceptable in Europe?

It varies according to your course or degree. For instance, if one chooses a Master’s degree, some universities accept even 10-12 years of gap. Usually, 1 or 2 years of the gap is acceptable in almost all universities in Europe. Your actions must justify your cause.

Q.5) Does Germany accept the study gap?

Absolutely. Germany sponsors and encourages its students to enroll in exchange and gap year programs such as Youth For Understanding (YFU). It accepts even 6-7 years of the gap if the justification fits perfect to your portfolio and what you plan to bring into their educational institution to aid their quality.

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