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5th Dec 2022

LinkedIn: Your Indispensable Networking Tool

Networking is necessary for MBA job hunt and could be the single most important factor in deciding whether, you as an MBA student, get job interviews. While you have to prove yourself to get the job, first you need to know the right people to get your foot in the door. In recent time, LinkedIn has become the number one resource to facilitate networking.

You should use LinkedIn to find professionals working in the industry that interests you. Search for alumni from your school working in that industry and connect with them.

At the same time, do remember cold connection on LinkedIn doesn’t work for it’s nothing but meaningless list of names. Follow-up your connection for informational interview, either in-person or over phone. Your purpose for informational interview should be asking for advise, gathering information and getting referrals but not asking for jobs.

You could also join various alumni and professional groups on LinkedIn as potential source for networking. Participate in on-going discussions or start new discussions. Once you become active, start looking for professionals with whom you could build relationships.

You may also use Twitter to follow companies that interest you to learn about new developments and job opportunities. Some of those tit-bits could even help you during the interviews. You could also use Facebook to network with professionals. Be cautious about what you post.

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