I am a final year student of the B. Tech. Program in Computer Science and Engineering at the ****. My undergraduate preparation here has given me a very substantial knowledge of the basic areas of Computer Science. I have always strived to develop a clear understanding of the basic concepts and acquire an insight into the Science of Computing. Any amount of learning in Computer Science would be incomplete without hands on experience in Programming. In this regard, I have completed various projects, both as part of my courses and on my own.
Of the many fields in the Computer Science spectrum, I have developed a keen interest in Declarative Programming Languages, Computer Graphics, Computational Geometry and Design and Analysis of Algorithms.
I have excelled in academics at every step in my education. In my 12 years of schooling, I always ranked first/second in the class. In the entrance examination for the ****, I stood 17th among 80,000 students. I have consistently done well throughout my undergraduate studies also. My GPA is 8.38/10.00 after the end of the seventh semester.
The urge to obtain in-depth understanding and specialized knowledge in my areas of interest, have made me opt for Graduate studies. I would like to follow up my graduate studies by taking up a research-oriented post in either academia or research laboratories so that I can contribute my own bit to the ever-increasing knowledge in these areas.
I believe that working towards a Ph.D is the best form of initiation in the process of original contribution. I view the master’s degree as an intermediate step in achieving this goal. Hence, I would like to take up an M.S. culminating in a Ph.D. as my immediate goal.
From the information about current faculty research, which I obtained from the application brochure, I find that pioneering research work is being done in declarative languages and related architectures at the Arizona State University. Being part of such an excellent research team will be a big step in achieving my long-term goals. The highly competitive and intellectually stimulating atmosphere at the Arizona State University will bring out the best in me. This prompts me to apply for graduate studies at your university.
Keeping in view my background and career plans, I would prefer a research assistantship but I would also like to have teaching experience. I have studied in an English medium institute throughout and have had teaching experience here in **** also, which makes me confident that I would be a successful teaching assistant.
In conclusion, I would say that I am very keen and enthusiastic about joining your university. I am aware of the hard work and perseverance necessary for research work and I am sure that I will be able to justify to the fullest the confidence reposed in me.