MBA Interview
6th Dec 2022
Afia Azmi

SOP for New York University | Graduate in Computer Science

SOP for New York University written by a student hoping to be admitted in New York University

Statement Of Purpose for the New York University

I have always cherished a career in research and training in Computer Science. I feel that graduate studies at a good university like yours in pursuit of a PhD would be a step in that direction. I am confident that I will be extremely successful both as a graduate student and later as a researcher and teacher.

Ever since I was in school, I was interested in Mathematics. My success at the Regional Math’s Olympiad and The National Talent Search examinations boosted this interest. I was also introduced to programming in school and was fascinated by computers. With these interests Computer Science was the ideal choice as my undergraduate major.

The Computer Science and Engineering department at **** has a good faculty and a wonderful course structure. It is undoubtedly one of the best in the country. The undergraduate curriculum here exposed me to all the basic areas in Computer Science and I have consistently performed well in all the core courses. I have always adopted a rigorous approach to learning and have tried to grasp the fundamentals of all the subjects. This is amply reflected in my GPA of 9.09 on 10(3.80 on 4) in a highly competitive class and in my position in the top 5% of my batch in the institute.

Over the past one and a half years I have developed an interest in the field of Programming Languages and Systems, especially compilers. I have performed well in the basic systems courses like Language Processors, Programming Languages, Database management systems and Operating systems (please refer the resume). I have also chosen as one of my electives for Spring 96 the course titled Foundations of parallel computation.

I am currently working on my B. Tech thesis – which is in the field of compilers – under the guidance of Prof. yyy. I am involved in the development of GENSAT – a generator for static analysis and transformation programs. We have already incorporated into GENSAT a framework to implement intraprocedural data flow analysis using bit vectors for the representation of data flow properties. I am extending this framework by providing for the usage of sets instead of bit vectors. This will make GENSAT a generic tool for solving monotone dataflow problems. I am also studying various techniques for interprocedural data flow analysis. My aim here is to abstract a framework in which these techniques can be implemented. In this process I will be modifying existing algorithms and possibly finding a new one.

My interests are well supported by my strong theoretical background. In my junior year I presented a home paper on the “Theoretical Consequences of the Ellipsoid Method”. I have audited (taken as non-credit) a Post Graduate course on algorithms titled “Current Topics in Theory and Algorithms” and I have currently taken another elective on the Design and analysis of algorithms. I have also done a course on Geometric Algorithms, which gave me a good exposure to Randomization in algorithms. I am confident that these and the other courses I have done will stand in good stead in any future research I undertake.

I have always loved solving problems. The pleasure obtained from being absorbed in problems over extended periods of time and finally arriving at solutions is immeasurable. Many times I have arrived at solutions that were very different from those of others. This unique bent of mind coupled with a desire to be at the forefront of a budding field drive me to pursue research. I believe myself to be mature, committed.

I have good reason to believe that I will be successful as a teacher. I have received enthusiastic response from my students when I was a course assistant in an undergraduate course titled “Computer Programming and Utilization”. I have also been a lecturer and tutor in two UNIX workshops conducted by our department at the institute level. Further, I believe that teaching a subject gives us greater insight into it.

I have chosen to pursue Graduate studies at New York University because the facilities there seem to foster a healthy research environment as I could gather from the brochure of your department.

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