12th Nov 2022
Afia Azmi

7 Red Flags To Look Out For In Your Study Abroad Consultants

From small businesses to big, study abroad consultants have filled the gap between education and technology worldwide. With student success stories and the feasibility of travel and visa options, the popularity of study abroad-focused educational consultancies has increased tremendously over the past few years. This is always a downside as too many cooks spoil the broth. It has become relatively easy to fall for fraudulent or service-lacking companies. 

Let's look at the common and significant red flags you should look out for while choosing an educational consultancy that might help you make wiser choices.

Not Enough Choices

Study Abroad Consultants who do not give you enough choices – for countries, courses, scholarships, applications, etc.- are a major red flag. As a consultant, they need to provide you with enough choices and benefits so that you select what looks and fits best for you. It might be shady and fraudulent if they keep harping about certain colleges. Say a big no to them at that point. 

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Less Compatible

Some study abroad consultants will appeal to you with their over-the-top words. Do not fall for this. They only appeal to your mind. Not to your ardent needs. Choose judiciously. Listen to how they reply to your choices. A pleaser will never give you lacklustre statements; in fact, a  good study abroad consultant will offer you a logical, reasonable advice that is practical. And practical solutions do not always need to please everyone.

Critical Reviews

One of the most logical red flags you must look for before choosing a study abroad consultant is to read reviews that talk about the consultancy's pros and cons. It is essential for you to understand what the reviewer was looking for and instead what they got. And familiarise yourself with the cons and how they could affect you.

Lack of Transparency

Study abroad consultants are meant to guide you, not overpower you or influence your choices and options. All the processes you go through and the services you pay for should be transparent to you. You should also be able to raise your queries and clear your concerns about how they process your application, how they create your profile, etc. You should know how your profile is presented to foreign countries. 

Don't fall for red flags!

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Not A Listener

It is right there in the word – consultancy. You do not entirely depend on them for everything. You want them to consult, advise, and listen closely to your needs and expectations from studying abroad. They do not just listen to your words. They also perceive your emotions and your state of mind. If study abroad consultants do not listen to you, it might be a good time to find someone else.

More Expensive, Less Adaptability

Some study abroad consultants might charge you a mint by advertising eye-candy offers. When you finally choose them, you find the services lack proper adaptability to your situation. Their consultation practice remains the same for every candidate. This should not happen. Because it means they do not consider the fallback or setback in your applications using the same processes. If you see this red flag, run far away and save your money. 

Lack of Proper Accreditations

All the study abroad consultants and their consultancies must be processed legally and acquire credibility for their company name. This makes them eligible to work overseas and establish and credit their services as a guide to the visa application process. 

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Beyond all this, you must listen to your intuition and instincts. It is also important to make yourself heard by your advisor/consultant. Plan reasonably and ask questions wherever you are unclear. Always check whatever content goes out in your name. Avail all the services as required and according to your needs. 

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